Friday 27 February 2009

Is now a good time for you?

When I started with the online marketing business just over three years ago I found that I had some initial success. Then after a few months I found that I was struggling to make any progress. At first I thought it was me, I tried some different ideas and struggled on. Later in the year things picked up and I forgot about my personal 'downturn'. The next year the same thing happened. It struck me that like most business there are seasonal variations. No one ever tells you this and in a true global market I thought that this was an odd thing. Eventually I came to the conclusion that (and this is just my observation) on the whole the biggest subscribers to online marketing are based in the northern hemisphere, hence the summer months seem to be quieter than the winter, why is this?

The economic downturn is probably a 'double edged sword'. On the one hand more people than ever are looking to supplement their incomes, which is good for the majority of us who run our systems responsibly and with integrity. This can be bad though for the vulnerable who may believe the hype of some sites promising the get rich route. We have to help educate our prospects on being sensible and using heads rather than hearts.

So to answer the question.... is now a good time for you? YES, the next few months could be the best that we'll see for while. By working as teams we can succeed. Don't be complacent, continual improvement is key. I for one are looking forward to a great success in 2009.

Thursday 26 February 2009

Verdict on article writing

This week I have started to write some articles for submission on other popular blogs. So far this has proven easier than I initially thought. The tricky bit appears to be to be able to write something original and unique. The secret (at least for me) is to think of your subject and your own personal viewpoint. Do not research what other people have written on that subject or cloud your 'view'. Then write it out as quick as you can (mistakes and all). When you have 'brain dumped' you can go back correct errors and formatting to make it presentable.

What I did then was search for a suitable and high ranking blog on the subject, spend some time reading their content and if its suitable submit your article to them for consideration. I also ask for feedback. Its a great learning experience. Its also great to see your content on other sites. The biggest benefit is to get more traffic to your own blog and you'll probably find it quite addictive too!

Wednesday 25 February 2009

My system is now even better value.

If you have already looked at my site you'll be pleased to see the latest update. For the rest of February and all of March I will be recruiting for my downline members for free.

See the full details at :

If this works out well (I'm pretty sure it will) then I may be able to extend that offer further. What this means is that when you join GDI through me you will be able to sit back and wait for me to start filling your downline for you. However, its not a 'total free lunch' I will ask you to contribute to your own downline as well but by then you'll already see the power of my system with no risk and almost no outlay.

If you have any questions you can add them here as I check this blog nearly every day or when you join GDI I'll send you a welcome message and let you know anything else that you may want to know at that stage.

Monday 23 February 2009

What is honest on the web?

During my research into web marketing, online sites and scams in general I found one recurring theme that I found difficult to believe. How do you prove whether someone is honest or not.

This is a more complex subject than I first thought. The big 'players' in online marketing have massive budgets to bombard all visitors with long confusing sites. They all say their honest and that their system is the best, will get you instant results etc. Even claiming that you'll earn thousands overnight.

Without lots of research (both online and offline) it is hard to prove their claims either way. The same goes for testimonials.

My view is that anything on the web can be quite easily deceiving. Therefore to make any decision on what system is right for you you have to use common sense and logic as your primary tool.

What I mean by this is firstly don't rush into the the first opportunity you see (by all means bookmark anything that looks interesting). Personally I discount any site that makes you sign up before disclosing their 'secrets'. Then check out the opportunity using search engines, recommendations or anything that can be independently obtained. This make take an hour or two or even several weeks. Remember if you really want to succeed with online marketing you will need some patience - there are no 'get rich quick schemes', no free lunches etc.

One of the reasons I run my program is to avoid all of these associated problems. I strongly believe that honesty and integrity have a place in on marketing. I am proud to state that I break the conventions set by most other sites. My simple one page site (see the link at the end of the blog page) lays everything out for you to see, I tell you how much its going to cost upfront and how my system works. Its incredibly simple and effective. It also provides a long term residual income that keeps on growing.

My last tip is very obvious really - do not spend out more than you can afford to loose. Even with guarantees from sites no one can actually guarantee you'll make money.

I also welcome any feedback from my downline members and on this blog.

Sunday 22 February 2009

Is online marketing a job, business or hobby?

I was thinking about this question last night. What really is online marking to most people.

I think the answer is that to most people it is a hobby. This may present them with problems in terms of actually making money from it.

If it were your job, or better still your business you would ensure you spent more time, money or resources on being successfull. By viewing it as a hobby you may well say "well if I make a few bucks then I'll take it more seriously".

What I am doing is different. I am viewing it as a business, I invest in effective advertising and get good returns on my investment. Any recruits I get benefit from this because I advertise for my entire downline. I'm in this for the long term to make real residual incomes for myself and for all of my downline. The other thing that I do differently is to lead by example. I put more than 95% of my new recruits directly into my downline members who need them. That way both they and I benefit. In return they help promote the system collectivley. This works much better than a group of individuals working independantly. The best thing is the opportunity used is extremly low cost (no more than $11 per month).

Check out the link at the end of the page to find out more.

Thursday 19 February 2009

How much money do you need to change your life?

I was thinking about this much do I need?

I guess there are two possible variations - how much do I need or how much do I want?

Ultimately any improvement in your own financial position must be a good thing. With that in mind I need to re-inforce my thoughts. Start small, continually improve and build to a real income. This has allowed me to build from a small (and more importantly low cost) opportunity into something far in excess of what I started with. Even so there is far more I can do to helpothers and as a result it will help me. As long as we use an honest and ethical system everybody who takes part will be better off.

So to answer the question (in a round about way). If I increase the income for my downline and myself by even a single dollar in a month we have achieved a good thing. Now times that by 10 or say 100. How does that sound?

The system that I now use allows this to happen for a tiny initial outlay (max of $11 dollars per month). Then by all working together we can achieve more than any of us can on our own.

If you think it sounds simple then you'll be pleased to see that in fact it is easy. Read my website for more detail.

More thoughts coming soon.

Wednesday 18 February 2009

Online Marketing vs Affiliate selling

Another area that I have investigated for earning some extra money is affiliate selling. That is to sell products on behalf of the 'parent' company and earning a commision in the process. This works extremely well for some markets but can be difficult to build up customers. Just like running a traditional business extensive (and sometimes expensive) marketing campaigns are needed to fully realise the protentials available.

I tried a few systems like this and found that I could not really attract enough customers to make it worthwhile. The biggest problem is that your affiliate website is usually a clone. Identical to all the other affliates. As a result the search engines such as Yahoo and Google will not rank them. The major search engines all prefer unique sites with original content.

As a result I now prefer to direct my efforts to online marketing, check out my website (link available under my profile) to see how I do it. Bookmark the page and have a look at some of the other sites available. You'll see how different my approach is.

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Advertising - Definately a good thing

The secret to my systems are the advertising. There are examples of this all around this blog, namely with Google Adsense. In fact the examples you see around this page should inspire you to research this whole area of online systems.

You can see how I use this (and other tools) on my main site:

I always avoid the 'list building' and common 'viral' advertising route. This is simply because 98% of people who visit these sites are already involved with building their own systems with these tools. I prefer to reach a new audience who are interested in success.
As far as I can workout there are only two ways in this world that you can improve your personal financial postion.

  1. Reduce your outgoings / spending.
  2. Increase your incomings / earnings.

I know this seems obvious but its easy to forget why this is fundamental to success with online marketing programs.

Option 1 - Least risk, minimum gain, not available to every one, not desirable or plain boring.

Option 2 - Can be risky (depends greatly on the system chosen), substantial gains available, available to nearly everyone, desirable, most satisfying.

I'll take option 2 every time. The only things you need to be careful of is finding the right system for you, not spending out more than you can afford, not spending out more than you recieve (apart from some minimal startup costs) and using a reputable company to base your program on.

Monday 16 February 2009


This simple blog has been created by me to help people understand how to make some extra cash on the internet. I will be adding sections on what works, what to look out for and how to avoid scams.

I will also add a section on website promotion, advertising and what systems I use to be successful.

If you want to see how I help people by actually building their downlines for them (using my proven, simple and ultra low cost program) then check out my link below:

best wishes

Dean C.